Linfiny Digital Paper, the world most powerful B2B edge device tool realizes the collection of raw data such as various records related on-site operations, operation histories and hand-writing stroke
This new generation of E Ink Kaleido™ 3 offers richer colors, along with 16 levels of grayscale and 4096 colors, perfect for displaying color documents and information on the devices.
Linfiny digital paper device would make paper-heavy tasks more efficient and help many people go paperless and building DX.
Favorite Features and Functions
The new generation of E Ink Kaleido™ 3 offers 4,906 colors

– Flexible display type E Ink Kaleido™ 4,906 colors
– Can be displayed color documents
– New pen tool UI pallet
Paper-like display

Glare-free display is ideal for long-term, immersive reading, even in direct sunlight.
New Concept of Linfiny Digital Paper for B2B
Digital Paper has three basic applications; Note taking app, a PDF viewer app, and an NFC tag cooperation app.
In addition to this basic function, we have optimized the system to be able to acquire not only data recorded by on-site workers, but also information such as handwriting stroke meta information and operation history on workers’ terminals.
Therefore, customer can obviously progress the improving efficiency by digitizing general field operations, and in addition to by linking and analyzing the acquired data with higher-level systems, we believe our Digital Paper can bring so many values for your true operational management innovation for companies and workplaces, and even creates new business and service models.
Our basic SW enhancement approach for DX on-site operations is not to develop a specific application software exclusively for customer requirements.
Our development concept is to make it possible to embed various information that customers want to obtain information in the field work into PDF forms by maximizing the various functions that PDF has. That makes it possible to operate seamlessly existing data recording at worksite and the data analysis by AI server.
- ロック解除パスワード服風会間違えで端末を初期化
- NFCの多人数登録
- 入道入力時はユーザー名とパスワードでログイン
- ペンの色をサイド・テールボタンで切り替え
- ひとつ前に開いていたファイルに戻るボタン機能追加
- 連続コピー機能
- ファイル一覧の指スワイプによるページ送り変遷
※ゴム手袋作業者用に対応 - 軽ゴム機能の無効化によるデータ改ざん防止(DCSS)
- 端末のスリープ状態取得(DCSS)
- 対象ドキュメントのすべてのページの手書き情報を取得(DCSS)
- テキストフィールド
- チェックボックス・ラジオボタン
- コンボボックス・リストボックス
- フィールドのデータの送信機能 (フィールドデータ 、 書類送信)
- フォームデータのリセット
- 自動四則演算機能
- 自動日付・時刻入力機能
- 空欄のお知らせ機能(POPUPMENUEX)
- 入力フィールド枠の点滅
- ファイル内リンク及びファイル間リンク対応
- 注釈表示対応
Generous storage
32GB of internal memory (Approx. 24GB usable) lets users carry and access up to 10,000 PDF documents.
Auto save
Annotations and hand-written notes are automatically saved to internal memory and easily searchable.
Long-lasting battery
On a single charge, lithium ion battery enables use for up to 5 days with Wi-Fi/Bluetooth turned on, and up to three weeks with Wi-Fi/Bluetooth turned off.
Actual performance varies based on settings, environmental conditions, and usage. Extensive handwriting and/or continuous connection with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi will draw more power and require more frequent charging.
Product picture

Technical specifications
E Ink 13.3inch 4,096 color Kaleido™ 3 Flexible e-paper display
Resolution 1650×2200 dots,
16 gray scale 207 dpi and 4,096 colors more than110dpi
Touch Panel+
EMR sensor
Capacitive Touch Panel sensor
Electro-Magnetic Resonance-type touch pen input [4096 levels of pressure sensitivity]
i.MX8M mini (Quad-core Cortex A53 1.8GHz)
Storage memory
eMMC : 32GB / Useable area 24GB
Generous storage
32GB of internal memory (24GB usable) lets users carry and access up to 10,000 PDF documents.
(1MB PDF file/ 1 file)
USB 2.0 Type C
Support file format
PDF (.pdf)
IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (WAVE2)
MIMO 2.4GHz/5GHz
Bluetooth Ver.5.0
13.56MHz / FeliCa
Lithium ion
secondary battery
Battery life
3weeks (light user scenarios)
5days (heavy user scenarios)
0°~40°C / 3°C~ 35°C
Size (W x H x D)
222.8 × 301.1 × 5.7 mm
Wacom standard stylus pen, USB C type cable(1.5m), Pen tips, Puller